For over 30 years, Artedomus has been sourcing and introducing some of the most beautiful and widely recognised marbles and stones in the design market today including Elba, Bedonia and Isernia.
We felt extremely privileged to be approached by Flack Studio to utilise our expert stone knowledge and experience and to be involved in their 2018 Rigg Design Prize entry at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV).
Collaborating with Flack Studio, we supplied the stunning stone fireplace, credenza, joinery and Japanese INAX Yohen Border mosaics lining the interior of the fireplace for their entry, “We’ve boundless plains to share”.
Their entry focuses on the importance of diversity and tolerance in the creation of a successful society and ask Australians to question the modern meaning of “we’ve boundless plains to share”.
“Our room acts as a metaphor for society, with multiple ideas, respect for history, culture and the ability to welcome everyone’s contribution, a harmonious and culturally rich space is recognised and felt.”
Flack Studio
The Rigg Design Prize is the highest accolade for contemporary design in Australia. Recognising excellence in Australian design, it includes ten Australian design studios working in the field of interior design and decoration. The Rigg Design Prize 2018 is open at the NGV from October 12 2018 until February 24 2019.
Our unique natural stone collection is constantly being updated with our latest finds, so contact us to ensure you experience the latest additions. Or, if you have something particularly special in mind, let us know and we’ll try find it for you.