
Expanding the creative conversation with 20mm porcelain panels

Artedomus has introduced a new range of 20mm porcelain panels in a variety of designs, expanding the aesthetic possibilities for kitchen benchtops, and indoor and outdoor living environments.

Maximum Macchia Vecchia 20mm porcelain kitchen

Maximum Macchia Vecchia 20mm porcelain kitchen

Redefining the relationship between durability and design versatility, Artedomus’ 20mm-thick porcelain panels offer a rare combination of strength, affordability, ease of fabrication, and aesthetic choice. We’ve expanded our range of 20mm porcelain panels to include designs from Maximum and Artetech – each an expression of porcelain innovation and aesthetic creativity.

Maximum Arabescato Honed

Maximum Arabescato Honed

Maximum Macchia Vecchia

Maximum Macchia Vecchia Honed

Maximum Anthracite

Maximum Anthracite Matt

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Maximum Ice

Maximum Argento.jpg

Maximum Argento


Artetech Pietra Serini Raw

Artetech Pietra Legera.png

Artetech Pietra Legera

Artetech Pietra Marrone 01.jpg

Artetech Pietra Marrone Brushed

The full-bodied effect

Suitable for kitchen benchtops, bathroom vanities, barbecues and more, 20mm-thick porcelain is full-bodied allowing for a wide variety of edging details. This vastly expands the creative possibilities for interior and exterior surfaces; and fabricators can treat 20mm-thick porcelain panel edges in the same way as a natural stone slab, achieving a clean, exposed edge that appears neat and uniform. Notably, advances in Maximum’s porcelain manufacture now enable the veining of some designs to permeate the entire thickness of the slab, ensuring consistent patterns even at the edges, closely mimicking the appearance of natural stone.

Maximum Macchia Vecchia

Maximum Maccia Veccia 20mm edge detail

Maximum Arabescato

Maximum Arabescato 20mm edge detail

Maximum Anthracite

Maximum Anthracite


Artetech Pietra Serini Raw

Formed using natural elements

Made from entirely natural materials with no chemicals or binders, porcelain is crafted in a process that mirrors the way stone forms in nature. A mix of clay, feldspar, sand, and other natural elements are finely ground, pressed together, and fired at high temperatures to form a solid mass. This process eliminates porosity and moisture, ensuring that porcelain benchtops do not require sealing. With virtually zero porosity, porcelain is highly resistant to staining from liquids. Fired at 1250°C, porcelain becomes exceptionally hard, impervious to heat from ovens or cooktops, and remarkably durable—resistant to scratching, staining, and marking.

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Outstanding environmental credentials

Acknowledging the huge impact that design and construction has on our environment, it’s more important than ever to make conscious choices that support the highest environmental standards. Artedomus’ Maximum 20mm porcelain panels deliver outstanding sustainability credentials, alongside innovative manufacturing, and excellence in quality. They are Cradle to Cradle [Silver Level] Certified, and hold certifications with EPD, LEED, CCC, and NSF. Reach out to your local Artedomus contact for further information.

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Explore Active Surfaces on Maximum 12mm panels

Further enhancing Maximum’s porcelain panels, Artedomus now applies Active Surfaces to a majority of its Maximum 12mm-thick porcelain panel range. You can browse the full range of Active Surfaces porcelain here.

World first in its innovation, this invisible treatment provides a permanent antiviral and antibacterial shield, actively eliminating bacteria and viruses (including E. Coli, MRSA, and COVID-19). Tests conducted on Active Surfaces show Active Surfaces eliminates 94 per cent of SARS-CoV-2 (responsible for COVID-19) after only four hours of exposure to low intensity UV light (including natural light and traditional light bulbs even at low intensity). Active Surfaces also holds ISO Certificates (ISO 21702 – ISO 18061) in respect to four well-known viral strains: H1N1 and H3N2 Pandemic Influenzas, Enterovirus 71, and Poliovirus; and ISO Certificates (ISO 27447 – ISO 22196) in the antibacterial field including antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Active Surfaces’ self-cleaning properties reduce the need for harsh detergents or frequent maintenance, making porcelain slabs enhanced with Active Surfaces an intelligent, hygienic choice for residential and commercial spaces. Browse Active Surfaces here.

Like this article? Read about the beauty and performance of 12mm-thick porcelain panels.