
Inside Artedomus, with Alice Blackwood

Drawing on 20 years of publishing and strategic communications expertise, you’ll find Alice working behind the scenes (and sometimes up front, too) on Artedomus’ many special activities, from The (Emerging) Designer Awards program, to our video features, project features and more.


A nerd for words and also pretty passionate about all aspects of architecture and design, Alice has put her editorial and strategic communications skills to good use over the past 20 years. She was Editor of Indesign magazine and Managing Editor of Cubes magazine until 2023, before joining Artedomus as Editorial Director in 2024. She’s worked on international design festivals, regional awards programs, and been pretty active in design media, which has enabled her to foster and develop programs and platforms that recognise and celebrate outstanding architecture and design – and the industry leaders who mastermind all that exceptional work. She also doesn’t mind public speaking, and pops up pretty regularly as a moderator, MC, judge, commentator, mentor and advisor.

Q: Can you describe a day in your role at Artedomus?

You’ll find me working away behind the scenes of the business alongside our marketing team to understand what concerns, challenges, inspires and excites our clients and customers. We aim to engage with you on common terms of design vision and creative curiosity, to share in our passion for natural stone and our appreciation for great architecture, and craft important conversations around what can be achieved when you marry architecture with superior materiality.

But back to what I do: I get to work on our amazing video features, The (Emerging) Designer Awards program, and our program of CPD presentations. I’m often writing and preparing content, out chatting with members of industry, strategising branded communications, and thinking up new ideas for stories and conversations.

Q: What sparked your interest in design, and how did it lead you to where you are today?

From my earliest career endeavours I’ve had an active passion for design. It originally manifested as an interest in craft and product design, before developing into an active specialisation in interior design and architecture as an editor and journalist directing the editorial agendas on multiple print publications and digital platforms. My work has taken me across the eastern coast of Australia and overseas too, to contribute on programs and events that hero the projects and the practitioners, including the Melbourne International Design Festival, INDE.Awards and now The (Emerging) Designer Awards, plus so much more.

Working with Artedomus is a happy continuation of everything I love about strategic communications in architecture and design.

Q: Reflecting on your passion for natural stone, what insights can you share with us?

In my line of work, I’ve been lucky enough to learn about, and absorb much expertise, in areas of furniture, lighting, architectural finishes and fixtures. Working with Artedomus has been like taking a specialist course in natural stone and porcelain. It’s tapped into my fascination for geology and a small obsession with gemmology. And I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by lots of geological experts at Artedomus, whose knowledge of how natural stone is formed over millions of years, how it is quarried, cut and prepared, and then selected and integrated into architectural projects, runs deep. May the informal education continue!

Get in contact with Alice today.

Explore Alice’s favourite items from the Artedomus range.